Discuss 2 Ways How Cultural Views Can Affect Relationship

Discuss 2 ways how cultural views can affect relationship

The 2 ways how cultural views can affect a relationship are the following:

1. Different cultural views can make a person think differently. A person can approach and solve a problem in a different way than his/her partner. Since each thinks differently, there may be a chance where they will have a different set of expectations from one another. This may lead to future fights and problems if not handled properly.  However, if it is handled properly and the couple will learn to compromise each other, they will both learn since they are exposed in a different point of view.

2.  Different cultural views can lead to different practices being followed. The practices adopted by one person might be against from the practices from the other. Both are used to following a different set of rules and regulations. A classic example is when the couple has a different religion from one another. Each will have a different set of practices and rituals being followed. There might be a chance where the practice followed by the other person is unacceptable for the other person. This can also lead to strained relationships if not handled properly. On the other hand, different practices being followed can lead one to be curious about it and try to engage in it. With this, both can enjoy a new experience which can make their relationship stronger.

In the end, cultural views can affect a relationship in a lot more different ways where both are good and bad. But regardless the effect will be, couples will learn to grow and mature as they handle their differences. In order to handle it properly, each should be cooperative to one another, have more understanding and their relationship should be bounded by respect.  

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